CREST Awards

When:  Oct 17, 2024 from 17:30 to 20:00 (ET)

This event is sold out.

CREST Awards

The Well, Lobby, 8 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ON M5V 0S8 

The 2024 race2reduce Commercial Real Estate Trailblazers (CREST) Awards will honour participants from the race2reduce program that have demonstrated continual commitment to improve building performance and reduce emissions.

In its seventh year, the CREST Awards celebrate participants from the BOMA Toronto race2reduce program who have shown a strong commitment to improving building performance and reducing emissions. This industry challenge promotes operational excellence through innovation and collaboration among building owners, managers, and tenants. Awards will be given in four categories: Emission Reduction Leadership, Innovative Excellence, Collaborative Excellence, and Climate Champion.


Keynote: Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie, City Councillor for Scarborough-Rouge Park

As the Chair of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee, she will share highlights of the City's Net Zero by 2040 plan and the importance of our CRE industry in achieving decarbonization goals.



  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm Cocktail Reception

  • 6:30pm - 6:45pm Opening remarks  

  • 6:45pm - 7:00pm Awards Presentation

  • 7:00pm - 7:15pm Keynote Presentation

  • 7:15pm - 8:00pm Awards Presentation & Reception



  • Member*: $50 + HST

  • Non-Member: $75 + HST

    *Please make sure to sign-in to receive member rate.

Cancellation/Refund Policy: Cancellations with request for a refund must be in writing and received via email by Friday, September 27th 

Please send any cancellation requests to Franak Sarkari: 

Refunds are not available after September 27th, but registrations can be transferred. 



Franak Sarkari
416-596-8065 x 228